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⚠️ I may be socially anxious, but I love talking to new people. If I'm wearing a green badge, you're welcome to talk to me!

About Me!

🏫 CS major at the University of Michigan
💼 Software Engineer (intern)
🏡 Living in Ann Arbor, MI
♂️ Cisgender male (he/him)
❤️ Bisexual, a little graysexual, mono, single
🎮 Hobbies: Cities: Skylines, FPS games, theme parks, travelling, making bad financial decisions, programming nerd stuff, furry stuff (obviously)
🎵 I like rock, pop, K-indie music

Rix Wolfdog Stickers iOS/iMessage Sticker Pack App: Privacy Policy

Rix Wolfdog Stickers (App) does not collect personally identifying information through its iOS/iMessage apps. Apple collects some non-personal data about users of sticker packs, such as crash data, number of installations per geographic region, and iOS version/Apple devices used with the sticker pack app. See http://www.apple.com/legal/privacy/ for more information on what is collected. This information is available to the developer. The developer cannot identify users through this information and does not share this information at all.

Official Rix Lore

Rix prowled the forest edge, his silvery coat a ghostly blur in the dappled moonlight. As a wolfdog, he was a legend among both wild and domestic creatures, revered for his wisdom and untamed strength. Yet, beneath his calm exterior lay a secret that few dared to believe. On rare nights, when the air was thick with the intoxicating scent of wild cannabis, Rix's true nature would awaken.The first time it happened, he had stumbled upon a hidden grove, the air heavy with the sweet, pungent aroma of the herb. As he inhaled deeply, a strange warmth spread through his body, and his world began to shift. His sleek form started to swell, muscles rippling and expanding, fur shimmering with an otherworldly glow. His paws, once agile and precise, transformed into massive, earth-shaking appendages. His eyes blazed like molten gold, filled with a wild, untamed power. In moments, Rix was no longer the wise wolfdog but Dogzilla, a colossal kaiju of legend.

Towering over the treetops, he gazed down at the world with a mix of awe and primal hunger, his mind a storm of fragmented memories and overwhelming urges. Drawn by an inexplicable force, Rix lumbered toward the nearby city, each step causing the ground to tremble. As he reached the outskirts, panic spread among the residents like wildfire. Buildings crumbled beneath his gargantuan paws, and streets split open under his weight. In his transformed state, Rix was a force of nature, a living nightmare wreaking havoc on the city he once protected from afar. Amid the chaos, a part of him watched helplessly, trapped within the beast, longing for the calm of the forest and the serenity of his true self.- Written by ChatGPT 4o